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4th Swiss Cytometry Meeting


The Swiss Cytometry Meeting was launched in 2018 by Loïc Tauzin and Miguel Garcia, from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne (EPFL), in Lausanne, with the aim of bringing together delegates from Switzerland and from diverse backgrounds, with a common and shared interest in cytometry.

After the successful editions in 2018, 2020 and 2023 at University Zurich, which were met with a lot of enthusiasm from both attendees and commercial companies, we are delighted to announce the organization of the fourth Swiss Cytometry Meeting.

This conference will take place at ETH Zurich in collaboration with our colleagues at University Zurich and the Swiss Cytometry Society from February 5th-7th 2025, and we would like to invite you to join us.

We hope that this conference will strengthen and consolidate the ties among the cytometry community across Switzerland.

We are putting together an exciting program that includes both scientific and educational content and will provide a perfect opportunity to discuss ideas and science, interact and socialize.

We look forward to seeing you at the fourth Swiss Cytometry Meeting in Zurich!

Best Regards, The organizing committee : Florian Mair, Malgorzata Kisielow, Irini Vgenopoulou, Miguel Garcia, Telma Lopes and Claudia Dumrese

ETH Hauptgebäude



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