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The association organizes an international conference every three years.

The last conferences took place in Madrid (Spain) in 2021 and Arcachon (France) in 2018.

The next conference will take place in Zurich (Switzerland) from Sunday, 8 September 2024 to Friday, 13 September 2024.

The objective of the triennial international DYMAT conferences is to create a forum where scientists involved in research or industrial applications related to the dynamic behaviour of materials can meet and discuss results and ideas by means of a series of presentations (oral and poster) and a small- scale technical exhibition.

Delegates from all nations are invited to attend the conference.

The topics presented at DYMAT conferences cover theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches to the various methods used to study the mechanical and physical behaviour of metals, ceramics, concrete, polymers, biomaterials and composites at high strain rates.

Participants are also invited to present their work based on specific industrial applications, such as crashworthiness in transport including cars, trains, ships and airplanes; terminal ballistics related to defence, shielding of satellites, failure of turbine blades and discs; blast effects due to explosions; catastrophic failure assessments of engineering structures and material processing such as high-speed forming of metals.

Early Bird CHF 800.00

ETH Hauptgebäude



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