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Ida Improv Artists - Panel Discussion & A Medieval Tale


Once again, we are thrilled to welcome our Ida Improv Artists in Residence this year.

We are excited to host Laura Doorneweerd-Perry and Dan Seyfried as our guests at Theater Ida.

Look forward to 10 days of fantastic improvisation, 7 show evenings, and two weekend workshops.

It's going to be amazing!

This evening we have prepared the following for you: PANEL DISCUSSION: OVERCOMING CHALLENGES Theater Ida, Laura Doorneweerd-Perry and Dan Seyfried invite you for a panel discussion about the following topic: “How can we overcome challenges we encounter in improv, both on stage and off stage?

” What keeps being difficult in your improv?

How to deal with certain on-stage, or off-stage behaviors? In what way can improv be hard?

How to balance improv, work and life?

We invite you to share your thoughts, questions and your advice.

Together we will collect tips, tricks, strategies to improvise more freely.

ONE AND ALL: A MEDIEVAL TALE Long, long ago, in a land, far, far away there was one.

One heroic person. And in that same land far, far away, long, long ago, there were many.

Many others.

This is the medieval story of one and all: one, brave person, on one quest, meeting all the others on the way.

Laura and Dan present their work-in-progress of their new, medieval duo show.

An improvised story in a medieval genre, created especially for Theater Ida.

Tickets: About the Ida Improv Artists in Residence: https://www.


ch/ida-improv-artists-in-residence/ Address: Theater Ida, Basislager, Aargauerstrasse 80, 8048 Zürich https://www.

20 / 10 CHF

Doors open at 19:30

Theater Ida



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