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Meet The Farmer


Join Us for a Fascinating Coffee Experience!

Discover the story behind their coffee, life in a Coffee Farm , sustainable farming and enjoy an exclusive tasting experience.

A presentation and an in-depth conversation about life on the farm, from both social and professional perspectives.

Enjoy tastings of various coffee types processed using different techniques, accompanied by light refreshments.

The event will take place at our roastery, and we would be Happy to expand and talk more about the world of coffee.

The Event will be held in English Host: Helena Oliviero, originally from Tuscany, Italy, is just 29 years old but already has a long career in coffee.

She has been a Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) champion in various competitions, became a Q Grader, and moved to Tolima, Colombia; she currently spends half of the year in Tolima and the rest in Italy.

The number of places is limited, please register in advance.

Kaffieggä, Kaffeerösterei

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