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Victor Patrascan: Stand up Comedy in broken English


The audience laughs along with Europe's comedy nomad Victor Patrascan as he tells hilarious jokes and asks thought-provoking questions on the most controversial topics of our time.

His repertoire includes jokes on topics ranging from ethnicity and religion to gender and politics.

This show is not for people who are easily offended!

This show is perfect for locals, expats and immigrants and invites everyone to laugh at the absurdities of modern life.

Comedy at its best - insightful, honest and hilarious.

Victor Pãtrãscan is an eccentric stand up comedian and outrageous social commentator from Romania.

He honed his craft for joke writing in the London comedy circuit where he lived until 2020.

In that same year, he left the bubble of UK politics and instead opted to live his life on the road and tour his self-produced shows all over the European continent.

Since then, Victor has travelled to corners of the world, of which some he has been the first comedian to perform in English.

He has told jokes in Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Turkey, Sweden, France, Serbia, Switzerland, Finland, Belgium, Iceland, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Gibraltar, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, Croatia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Hungary, Ukraine and even Denmark.

In 2023 alone, Victor performed in front of more than 20’000 people across 70 cities, 32 countries and 2 continents.

Consequently, he has a legitimate claim for having the longest and most extensive self-produced comedy show in Europe.

Victor weaves this unique experience into his stand up as he has become somewhat of a sponge absorbing the intricacies of European culture and politics.

His style is distinctly shaped by his peculiar life as a vagabond.

While he jokes about the stereotypes and misconceptions ...




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